Adult Bible Classes
Sunday Morning – 9:30 am
“Bible In 52 Weeks”
Get to know the Word in a new light and strengthen your relationship with Christ in this Bible study for women.
by Dr. Kimberly Moore
Teacher: Pat Grim
(This group is known as “God’s Gals”)
The Bible in 52 Weeks is a yearlong journey through the Bible to strengthen women’s faith. When you need to lift your spirits or tackle life’s challenges, the Bible is always there to offer guidance. This inspiring approach to Bible study for women combines a daily reading plan with weekly opportunities to reflect, discuss, and explore how God’s wisdom can be applied to your daily life.
“International Lesson Class”
Terry Clark, Phill Drake, & Robby Phelps
This class continues in a study using a book from Standard Publishing Company.
Greg Boynak & Rich Smith
If it ever seems to you there is more evil in the world than good and that the bad guys are winning, the Book of Revelation is for you. It’s a book of hope; its central message is that God and good will win over evil, no matter how bad things look now. Be of good cheer, the world is not falling apart – it is falling into place.